Election Day 2024 Insights

Try to remember a time when you believed strongly in something. Maybe it was Santa Claus, maybe it was the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, maybe it was Y2K and you thought it would shut down the grid.
Whatever comes to mind, I’m telling you this: you made decisions, took actions and maybe even did some harm to others under those beliefs. (After all, should you lie to children about Santa Claus? But the benefit was so fun you overlooked the lie).
You’ve held a strong belief at one point or another, otherwise you are likely not human. Maybe you need to forgive yourself for the harms done to a few relationships when you held those beliefs. I know I do. And you need to give space to others who hold deep beliefs that you don’t share. It’s really hard, I know. They have likely voted based on their beliefs. Remember your ideological dogmas of yonder day (or current day), forgive yourself, hold space for others to have dogmas as part of their life journey, and forgive them when their actions don’t agree with your current beliefs.
Posted on: November 5, 2024, by : JulieEthan